God's promises for the fearful

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God’s promises for the fearful


Psalm 34:7 (NLT) For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him. 


Jesus calms a storm.


It had been an amazing day for Jesus, He was preaching in parables and explaining the nature of His kingdom. All day He had been teaching and healing, and as evening approached the crowds pressed in even closer. Day after day He had ministered to their needs, barely stopping for food or rest, and now as evening was approaching, He desired some much-needed rest in a solitary place. 


On the Eastern shore of Gennesaret it was a desolate region with very few people and would be a nice place to get some alone time. Just like Jesus needed some alone time, we also need times of solitude for recharging. As night set in the waves became more dreadful and soon, they were in an all-out storm. Howling winds and waves were soon threating to sink the boat. They were helpless, even though they were hardy fisherman, their strength failed them in this incredible storm. Their boat was filling with water and efforts to save themselves was not going well. Their labor was in vain, why? Because they forgot Jesus was on board. How many times do we face the storms of life and forget that Jesus is right there by our side. We labor in vain until hopefully we come to our senses and cry out to Jesus to save us. Jesus is our only hope. 


Their cry arouses Jesus, and they see in His face such tender love, and then they cry out “Lord, save us: we perish” (Mt. 8:25). And with that He stands in the midst of His disciples, while the storm rages and the lightning flashes across the sky, lifting His hand and saying, “Peace, be still”.


And guess what happens next? The storm ceases, the clouds roll away and the stars come forth in their brightness. Then Jesus simply says, “Why are ye fearful? Have ye not yet faith?” Mark 4:40.


“How often the disciples’ experience is ours! When the tempests of temptation gather, and the fierce lightnings flash, and the waves sweep over us, we battle with the storm alone, forgetting that there is One who can help us. We trust to our own strength till our hope is lost, and we are ready to perish. Then we remember Jesus, and if we call upon Him to save us, we shall not cry in vain. Though He sorrowfully reproves our unbelief and self-confidence, He never fails to give us the help we need. Whether on the land or on the sea, if we have the Saviour in our hearts, there is no need of fear. Living faith in the Redeemer will smooth the sea of life, and will deliver us from danger in the way that He knows to be best.” DA 336


“It is not the will of God that His people should be weighed down with care. But our Lord does not deceive us. He does not say to us, “Do not fear; there are no dangers in your path.” He knows there are trials and dangers, and He deals with us plainly. He does not propose to take His people out of a world of sin and evil, but He points them to a never-failing refuge.” SC 122-123


“Faith takes God at His word, not asking to understand the meaning of the trying experiences that come. But there are many who have little faith. They are always fearing and borrowing trouble. Every day they are surrounded by the tokens of God’s love, every day they enjoy the bounties of His providence; but they overlook these blessings. And the difficulties they encounter, instead of driving them to God, separate them from Him, by arousing unrest and repining… Jesus is their friend. All heaven is interested in their welfare, and their fear and repining grieve the Holy Spirit. Not because we see or feel that God hears us are we to believe. We are to trust His promises.” GW 261


“Commit the keeping of your soul to God, and trust in Him. Talk and think of Jesus. Let self be lost in Him. Put away all doubt; dismiss your fears… Rest in God. He is able to keep that which you have committed to Him. If you will leave yourself in His hands, He will bring you off more than conqueror through Him that has loved you.” SC 72

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