Basket of Cobras

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Burt Hunter, a reporter-photographer in Long Beach, California, found himself on a strange mission one foggy morning. He was to interview and take pictures of a woman snake charmer.

When Burt rang the doorbell at an impressive mansion, he was surprised at the beauty of the woman who answered. She didn't look like a snake charmer. He blurted out, "I don't understand why a wealthy, attractive woman such as yourself is engaged in this kind of business.” 


The lady smiled as she replied. 'Oh, I don’t do it because I have to. It's a fascinating hobby.

I like the element of danger involved. Someday soon I plan to give it up and spend more time with my flowers. I can quit this any time I want to.” 


As Burt set up his equipment, the woman brought in baskets containing the cobras. She confidently lifted out some of the deadly snakes as he snapped pictures of her handling them. Then she cautioned, “Be especially quiet now and don't make any quick moves. I'm going to take out my newest snake. It isn’t completely used to me yet." Suddenly she stiffened, whispering to the photographer, "Something's wrong. I'm going to have to put him back.”  She opened the basket slowly and began to lower the snake into it. As Burt watched, fascinated, there was a lightning-jab of the cobra's head as it buried its fanes in her wrist.


Forcing the snake down and securing the basket, the woman clutched her arm. She spoke quietly to Burt, "Go quickly to my medicine chest and bring the snake serum. Hurry!"

Trembling, Burt returned with the precious vial, she instructed him to take out the syringe and fit the needle on. Then she told him bow to withdraw the serum. Burt. struggled with the unfamiliar task, his hands shaking. He braced his arm against the table as he tried desperately to get the needle into the vial. Suddenly he gasped. His clumsy fingers had crushed the tiny bottle. 


The serum, now useless, dripped through his fingers. "Tell me." he urged. "Where can I get another" In a quiet voice she responded. "That was my last one." Her agony soon ended, but Burt's lived on to embitter the rest of his life. Often, he thought of her statement. “I can quit this any time I want to." (Adapted from Marjorie Grant Burns, "Broken!” The Youth's Instructor, 25 Dec. 1951, 5, 6, 18, 19). 


How are you today? Do you play with the deadly serpent of sin and think it will not hurt you? Jesus is the only vial that contains the remedy for sin and someday it will not be available. You must accept the gift that heaven made so long ago before it is to late. 


“By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8, 9).


What can you do to receive this gift? God loves you and forgiveness will be there for the asking. An amazing thing happens when you invite Jesus into your heart. 


“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).


When you receive Jesus into your heart, He begins the process of destroying your old self and changing you into a new creation. When this happens, you will feel the wonderful freedom from guilt and condemnation, and then something amazing will happen, the old life of sin will become appalling to you, and then you will experience the joy of following the Lord. Stop following the deadly serpent, for it only leads to death. Why not grasp onto the vial of Salvation which is only thorough Jesus Christ our Lord, you won’t regret your decision. 


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